Bethlehem First UMC Rooted Youth exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our goal is to enable middle and high school students (6th-12th grade) to love God and love people by making worship a priority, making an intentional invitation to others, nurturing godly friendships, making a commitment to grow spiritually, and making a difference by serving.


Students in 6th through 12th grade will go to service with their families at 9:30 and 11am. When they are dismissed midway through service, we will meet in the Youth Room, #130, located in the gym near the Worship Center. We will discuss a book in the Bible to gain a deeper perspective of the Word of God together. We always start the morning with the best part and worst part of our weeks. The goal of each of our group meetings is to offer a chance for the students to grow closer together and develop a close personal relationship with Christ. These students are the next generation and will carry the Gospel further. The hope is to create a revival in our next generation that will flood into their schools, jobs, and families. We are always looking for adult volunteers to help play a role in leading these youth as well.


Come back to the Youth Room Sunday evenings at 5pm for food, fellowship, games, worship, lessons, and a whole bunch of fun! Pick up is at 7pm. Please check the calendar as our meeting days and times are subject to change.

For help plugging into our youth ministry,