Welcome to Bethlehem First United Methodist Church! We are so glad you are interested in learning more about the church! Fill out our CONNECTION CARD so we can connect with you!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do you have child care on Sunday mornings?
Yes, just look for the KIDZ CHECK-IN sign when you arrive at church and one of our volunteers will help you.
Kidz Nursery is offered every Sunday morning for children 6 weeks to 2 years old during both services.
We also offer Kidz Preschool for 3 to 4 year olds.
Children in PreK through 5th grade start out in service with their families and then are dismissed to Kidz Church.
Children in 6th through 12th grade also start in service and then are dismissed to Sunday School with the Rooted Youth. Currently, they are only meeting during the 9:30am service but have plans to start meeting at 11am later this year.
How can I find out more about what’s happening in the life of the church?
You can find links to all of our important pages and sign ups on our LINKTREE. You can read this week’s Happenings; you can Watch Online, both past and present worship services; you can fill out a Connection Card to request information or submit a prayer request; you can Give Online (a one-time electronic offering or you can set up recurring giving); you can access CCB (Church Community Builder), our Online Church Directory to communicate with other people in the church; you can follow us on social media; and you can easily access some of our ministries, like the Fitness Center or Preschool and Kindergarten.
You can sign up to receive our Weekend Update: a weekly email sent out on Friday evenings with the top 3 things you need to know this week, by contacting Pastor Megan.
You can also see all of the things we have scheduled on our Church Calendar HERE.
How do I find classes or programs to participate in?
Contact Pastor Rev. Megan Gomez to get plugged into one of our many Groups.
Are there ways for me to get involved in service projects at BFUMC?
Yes! We support many local, regional and international mission projects. You can learn more about a few of the organizations that we support HERE.
How can I speak with a pastor directly?
You can always call the church office at 770-867-3727 and speak to or leave a message for one of our pastors. You can also reach them through the contact forms HERE.
Join us for Coffee with Pastors to learn about membership at Bethlehem First UMC, and discover if this is the next step for you. A cup of coffee does not obligate you to membership. We hold these meetings quarterly, usually on Sunday evenings. Please contact us if you are interested in attending the next one.