House of Bread Food Pantry

House of Bread is a volunteer organization dedicated to lessening food insecurity in our community.
Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our food pantry’s mission to fight hunger within our community. Your donation of time and talent is an invaluable gift and we couldn’t serve without you.
Numerous opportunities to serve are available and include helping during our monthly distribution, which is held on the first Saturday of the each month from 9:30-11:30am and helping sort and unpack food items every other month when we take delivery from Northeast Georgia Food Bank.
We are grateful for your support. It helps us help others! Every donation big or small makes a tremendous impact.
Below is a list of non-perishable items that we provide monthly, that are not guaranteed to be available through the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia.
Instant Oatmeal and Grits; Breakfast Cereal; Meal Prep Kits Tuna & Hamburger Helper; Peanut Butter; Canned Tuna, Chicken, or Salmon.
You may also make a financial donation to House of Bread. Our partnership with The Food Bank of Northeast Georgia allows us to purchase bulk items at a deeply discounted price, thus a monetary donation provides increased purchasing power versus buying from a local grocery store.
For more information about this ministry,