Worship is a LIFESTYLE! It is a time we set aside time to honor and thank God for everything God has given us-unconditional love, forgiveness, reconciliation, security, peace, comfort, strength, wisdom, hope, patience, persistent tenderness, freedom, and much more. As we worship, we focus our attention on the one and only living God who is always available to us. We sing, play instruments, pray, read scripture, hear a pastor’s message, and encounter God through the Spirit of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Worship transforms our lives, heals our wounded souls, renews our hope, shapes our decisions, inspires our compassion, and binds us together. At Bethlehem First UMC, we are passionate about our worship and offer our best to praise God with excellence. To provide opportunities for people to connect with God and each other, we offer five different opportunities to worship:
Sunday Morning Worship Services:

If you are unable to join us in person, we invite you to worship with us LIVE online or watch a service at your convenience during the week.