At Bethlehem First UMC, we believe every person has a story and every story matters to God. We believe God has created you and called you to be in relationship and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ…and that looks different for each of us. Your story is part of a greater story God is telling, and by sharing your story, you have the power to change lives! Your story is a gift from God that can be used to draw people to Jesus.
How has God been working in your life? Where did you see God this week? What experiences, as a child or an adult, have shaped you the most? What did those experiences teach you about your relationship with God? What miracles have you witnessed in your own life and in the lives of the people you love most? Tell us how you have seen God working in your life, in the Bethlehem First UMC community of faith, and all around Barrow County.
We invite you to share your story using the submission tool below. We celebrate every story we receive, and we are always looking for opportunities to share stories in our events, resources and online.
Every person has a story and EVERY STORY MATTERS TO GOD!