Saved people SERVE people! We are committed to being the hands and feet of Christ within our community, our country, and around the world.  In Acts 1:8, Jesus says, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (NIV). At Bethlehem First UMC, we believe that as a Christ-centered church, moving outside the walls of the church is non-negotiable. We seek to make Christ known through local (Jerusalem), regional (Judea and Samaria), and international missions (to the ends of the earth).

House of Bread Food Pantry: The name Bethlehem literally means “House of Bread”. At BFUMC, we not only want to feed people spiritually, but also physically, by meeting the needs of hunger in our community. House of Bread distributes food boxes on the 1st Saturday of the month from 9:30 -11:30 AM.

Little Free Food Pantry:  There is a small house outside the classroom hallway that houses food for people in need of a meal. Whether families with kids or people passing through with dogs, the pantry is open to everyone. Take what you need, leave what you can!

If you are a missionary or mission organization interested in partnering with Bethlehem First UMC, please contact Pastor Beth Dickinson to learn how you can partner with us.